StoryWeaver and Nature Conservation Foundation celebrate World Wildlife Day with the launch of books on India's wildlife

Posted by Pallavi Kamath on March 03, 2021

Post written in collaboration with the team at Nature Conservation Foundation

On World Wildlife Day 2021, StoryWeaver is pleased to announce a partnership with the Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF), an organisation that works towards conservation of India’s unique wildlife heritage. The aim of this partnership is to create more stories about nature, birds, and wildlife, that inspire children to develop a love of the natural world that they will inherit. 

Through these stories, NCF's scientists and naturalists who work in a range of wildlife habitats - from coral reefs and tropical rainforests to the high mountains of the Himalayas - relive their experience of studying and encountering the wild. 

We are delighted to launch the first 2 books: Gyalmo, the Queen of the Mountains and  Birds That Sing Their Name.


In Gyalmo, the Queen of the Mountains, Koyna and her friend Lobzang are in Spiti Valley, trying to spot the most elusive cat in the world, while Gyalmo, the snow leopard, watches from a distance as they try their best to see her. Read this humorous tale of humans and leopards by Ranjini Murali. Illustrated by Komal Jain.

In Birds That Sing Their Name, Jegan, a scientist working in bird conservation, talks about birds and the beautiful songs they sing in the wild. How do birds get their names? Sometimes people name them after their colours, size and food they eat. Sometimes, they get their names from the way they call or sing. Come meet some of the birds that sing their names. Read this riveting story on sounds by P Jeganathan, illustrated in watercolours by Ravi Jambhekar. We can still hear the echo of these songs!  

Happy reading!

These books are an effort by the Nature Communications team at Nature Conservation Foundation to encourage awareness and appreciation of India’s wildlife in children and adults. We are delighted to have them on board as publishers on StoryWeaver.


M.R.Ganesha Kumar about 4 years ago

Happy to know about the partnership. I believe this will help children all over the world.

Aditya Raghuram almost 4 years ago


Ramu Ramu Rao over 3 years ago

Super stores sir thanks 😊