Launching StoryWeaver Marathi: An exciting new YouTube channel!

महाराष्ट्र्र दिनाचे निमित्त साधून, मराठीत गोष्टी वाचण्याचा आनंद  स्टोरीविव्हरला तुमच्यापर्यंत पोचवायचा आहे. त्याचसाठी आहे हे नवीन  यू ट्यूब चॅनेल, 'स्टोरीविव्हर मराठी'!

Illustration by Hitesh Sonar, for Black Hats White Hats written by Siddharth Mehta, published by Pratham Books

'रीडअलॉंग' म्हणजे सहवाचन हा  उपक्रम मराठीत यशस्वीपणे  राबवल्यानंतर आता यू ट्यूबवर घेऊन येत आहोत व्हिडीओ, म्हणजे दृक-श्राव्य गोष्टी. 

व्यावसायिक कलाकारांनी सहज शैलीत या गोष्टीचं रंगतदार वाचन केलं आहे. त्याला मजेदार संगीताची जोडही दिलेली आहे त्यामुळे गोष्टी जिवंत होतात. शब्दाचा उच्चार झाला की तो  लिखित शब्द  उजळतो  आणि त्या उच्चाराचं बोट धरून मुलांना तो शब्द निवेदकाबरोबर वाचणं, सोपं जातं.  लिखित शब्द आणि त्याचा उच्चार असं एकत्रितपणे समोर आल्यानं मुलांना वाचनाची गोडी लागायला मदत होते.

अगदी लहान गटातल्या वाचकांना डोळ्यासमोर ठेवल्यानं, वाचन पातळी १ आणि २ अशाच गोष्टी यात आहेत. शिवाय व्हिडिओचा कालावधी ५ मिनिटांपेक्षा कमी ठेवल्यानं मुलांचं लक्ष चांगलं लागतं. पुन्हा पुन्हा येणारे विशिष्ट शब्द आणि आवाज, आकर्षक चित्रं, नाट्यमयता यांची मुलांना मजा वाटते. हे  लक्षात ठेवून मोठ्यानं  वाचायला मजा येईल अशा गोष्टीं निवडल्या आहेत. शिवाय 'स्टोरीविव्हर'वरील 'रीडअलॉंग'ची वैशिष्ट्ये जशीच्या तशी राखली आहेत.   

यू ट्यूब वर 'स्टोरीविव्हर मराठी' याठिकाणी  जाण्यासाठी  इथे क्लिक करा.

दर आठवड्याला नवीन व्हिडीओ बघण्यासाठी सबस्क्राईब करा.  

मजेत बघा!

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below! You can also reach out to us through our social media channels: FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

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Update: StoryWeaver Freedom to Read 2019

Posted by Amna Singh on December 27, 2018

Written by Amna Singh

StoryWeaver believes that every child deserves to have access to joyful reading material in her mother tongue. In November 2018, we opened applications to educators, translators, literacy organisations, and everyone else working with children to promote reading -- in our quest for partners to help build a 100 local language libraries of children’s books in underserved languages by International Mother Language Day on February 21, 2019 .

We were seeking partners with relevance of work and expertise in language and translations, and above all, a shared vision of equity in access for all. We got over 225 applications from all over the globe – each application inspiring us with their exemplar work in the field of literacy and language for the under-represented communities.

Based on our guidelines, relevance of work and a rigorous evaluation, we have selected 16 organisations and 28 individual language champions to partner with us to build these digital local libraries.

Selected Organisations: Target Languages

  1. Azad India Foundation: Surjapuri

  2. BookDash: 11 official South African languages

  3. SNS Foundation: Marwari

  4. CODE- Ethiopia: Amharic, Afaan Oromoo

  5. African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA): Igbo, Hausa, Fante, Ewe, Yoruba, Kikiyu, Luganda and Swahili

  6. Global Forum 4 Literacy: Zulu, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Tswana and Arabic

  7. Suchana Uttor Chandipur Community Society: Santali, Kora, Bilinguals

  8. Aripana Foundation: Maithili

  9. Little Readers' Nook: Tulu, Kutchi, Marwari …

  10. Unnati Institute for Social and Educational Change: Korku

  11. North East Educational Trust: Assamese, Bodo

  12. Brightstart Pre Primary school and Learning Centre : Marwari

  13. Tagalog, Cebuano, Hiligaynon, Tausug/Maranao and Ilokano

  14. Darakht-e Danesh Library: Pashto

  15. Every English: Brazilian Portuguese

  16. REHMA: English-Urdu bilinguals

The selected language champions will help build local libraries across 24 languages.

Target Languages: Selected Language Champions:

  1. Amharic: Kaleab

  2. Bambara: Kirsty Paxton

  3. Basa Jawa (Javanese): Maharani Aulia

  4. Bundelkhandi: Ankit Dwivedi, Krishna Murary Upadhyay

  5. Chinyanja: Agnes Nankhoma Singine Nyendwa

  6. Dari: Aisha

  7. Filipino: Kaye

  8. Garhwali: Shweta Rawat

  9. GSB Konkani: Sujith Kamath

  10. Kirundi: Melchiade Ntibazonkiza, Adolphe Ndagijimana

  11. Kui: Shruti

  12. Kumaoni: Somya Budhori , Richa Pathak Pant,

  13. Kuvi/Jatapu: Markose K C

  14. Malay: David Loiuson

  15. Malvani: Rupali Bodekar

  16. Malvi: Omprakash Kshatriya

  17. Ndebele: Ntando Titus Ntaka

  18. Pawari: Amit Dudave

  19. Pashto: Nighat Kamdar

  20. Sanskrit: Meenakshi Sundaram K B, Priya Bhakthan

  21. Serbian: Ana Jovic

  22. Sindhi (Devanagari Script): Bharti

  23. Sindhi (Arabic Script): Zaib-un-Nisa

  24. Vietnamese: Nguyen Dac Thai Hang


Thank you for your initiative, we will get in touch with all selected partners for the next steps.

And a BIG thank you to everyone who applied. StoryWeaver is truly a result of your constant support, and contributions. We will do our best to reach out to you and explore alternate ways to collaborate. Thank you, again, and happy holidays!


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StoryWeaver celebrates 2 special milestones

Posted by Pallavi Kamath on June 04, 2020

StoryWeaver celebrated 2 special milestones on May 29:

1. We crossed 5 MILLION reads on StoryWeaver! ✨
2. We now offer storybooks in 250 languages! 📚

A big thank you to our wonderful community for being such an integral part of what we do. Authors, illustrators and publishers who have open-licensed their content at scale. Linguists and translators who have introduced us to new languages. Educators, parents and storytellers around the world who have welcomed us into their reading routine, and into the hearts of their children.

Here’s to the next 5 million reads, and nurturing the next generation of readers. 💛

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