StoryWeaver Spotlight: Meet Sushrut Kulkarni

Posted by Amna Singh on July 05, 2016



Q: What do you usually read? Which language do you prefer to read in?

A: I usually read in English and Marathi. I prefer to read English non-fiction.

Q: Do you have a favourite book / author and why is it a favourite?

A: My favourite book is 'Man’s Search for Meaning’ by Viktor Frankel.  And why? Well, the name is self explanatory ☺

Q: You have contributed for us immensely. How has the StoryWeaver journey been?

A: StoryWeaver was an exciting experience for me. Being from the software field, writing for CMS based business websites was a routine thing for me. But translating & reviewing fiction for a digital platform and seeing it ‘going live’ in a moment was very exciting.

Q: What is one big take away from this experience?

A: My take away from this experience is that digital platforms are quite flexible (and quite forgiving, unlike print media). I learnt a lot about localizing the content while translating content from Indian cultures, other than my own. Once, I found nouns in one language were taboo words in another!

Q:  How does it feel when your story gets published online?

A: Initially it feels different than print for sure. There is no wafting ‘fragrance’ of paper and ink, like in paper books. It took me a while to get used to the book ‘getting published’ at a click of a button on the digital platform.  

Q: You have translated / reviewed a handful of stories for us. Which one has been your favourite and why?

A: My favourite is How Do Aeroplanes Fly? / विमानं उडतात तरी कशी?  This book is not just about the science behind flying the aeroplanes, but also underlines the fact that women can do everything, and gender is not a hurdle if one wants to break the social barriers.

Q: What is your key driver in taking this up? 

A: Like most Indian languages, Marathi too lacks quality content for young readers, especially in STEM topics. So I felt the need to do my bit.

Q: How else do you think we can join hands in taking bigger steps for children’s literature?

A: We can translate German books in Marathi and other Indian languages, and that too in our cultural context. I would love to help on that front. Also, I would love to help in conducting workshops for budding translators and teachers aiding the translations of StoryWeaver content.

Q: How has the overall experience with SW been? 

A: The StoryWeaver experience was very rewarding. I got immense satisfaction while translating world-class books in my own language.  

स्टोरीविव्हरवर वेगवेगळ्या कथा व पुस्तके अनुवादित करणं हा एक अनोखा अनुभव होता. जागतिक दर्जाची, सुंदर सुंदर चित्रं असलेली पुस्तकं स्वत:च्या मातृभाषेत आणतानाचा आनंद काही औरच!




Shuchita Phadke about 7 years ago

Wow, that was great. More about it when we perhaps meet for "coffee with Shuchita'?"

Shuchita Phadke about 7 years ago

Wow, that was great. More about it when we perhaps meet for "coffee with Shuchita'?"