International Translation Day 2021 - Celebrating 300 Languages on StoryWeaver!

Posted by Asawari Ghatage on February 17, 2022

September 30 is International Translation Day - a day that is very important to us at StoryWeaver. 

For children to become readers, they must have access to books in the languages they speak and understand. Yet, this is sorely lacking in several parts of the world — there are not enough books, in not enough languages for children to learn and practise reading. A UNESCO study states that 40% of the world does not have access to education in their mother tongue. 

In September 2015, Pratham Books set up StoryWeaver with the aim of addressing this scarcity of books for children. StoryWeaver was launched with 800 books in 24 languages. Today, just 6 years later, the platform offers over 38,000 books, and our language footprint has grown to 303 languages - 60% of these languages are indigenous.

In the coming days, we shall share more insights about the guiding principles that have helped us nurture an ecosystem to address the dearth of children’s books in mother tongue languages.

We want to say a big thank you to our wonderful translation community, our partners and collaborators that have helped us grow and learn on this journey to the 300 languages milestone on StoryWeaver. Here’s to more storybooks in more languages, so that more children around the world can experience the joy of reading!


Leena Walawalkar about 2 years ago

Love to write and translate stories in English and Marathi for children. Reading others stories gives immense pleasure. Nice work by Pratham Books. Thanks for providing the platform.

Leena Walawalkar about 2 years ago

Love to write and translate stories in English and Marathi for children. Reading others stories gives immense pleasure. Nice work by Pratham Books. Thanks for providing the platform.