Launching StoryWeaver Hindi: A fun, exciting YouTube channel where you can now watch your favourite stories!

Posted by Pallavi Krishnan on January 10, 2019

Written by Priyanka Sivaramakrishnan

This World Hindi Day, StoryWeaver is taking yet another step to showcase this beautiful language at a global scale, with the launch of our StoryWeaver Hindi channel on YouTube. Artfully created and carefully subtitled, these YouTube videos will bring the stories to life with their audio-visual engagement, making your kids fall in love with the habit of reading. Following the success of our Readalong feature where children can discover another fun aspect of reading, we are launching this exciting channel where children can watch fun and giggly stories like The Very Wiggly Tooth, What’s Neema Eating Today? Smile Please, and many more. 

With new stories every Friday, you can get started on a fun-filled reading experience by subscribing to the StoryWeaver Hindi channel here. This page will soon be joined by a StoryWeaver English channel. 

Image by Priya Kuriyan from 'What is Neema Eating Today?' by Bijal Vachharajani.Image by Priya Kuriyan from 'What is Neema Eating Today?' by Bijal Vachharajani.

Here at StoryWeaver, we are always looking to see how we can make the reading experience better, what we can give you to help your children revel in the joy of reading. These YouTube videos have been designed with enjoyable background music, a ‘natural’ narrative voiced by professional artists, and synchronized highlighted text running throughout the story. The act of watching the video, listening to the pronunciations, and following the words allows for easy language acquisition by the child.  

Aimed at our youngest readers, these stories are mostly Levels 1 and 2 with the videos running no longer than five minutes to make sure we don’t lose the child’s attention. Mirroring the Readalong feature on the StoryWeaver page, the stories have been carefully hand-picked to ensure they include repeat sounds and words, are enjoyable to read aloud, with eye-catching illustrations, and have a fair amount of dramatic flair.  

Happy watching!

1 Comment

Madhavi Gokhale Kaulgi. about 2 years ago

I am Madhavi Gokhale Kaulgi.I am a writeras well as graphic designer.I have created one story on storyweaver., would like to convert stories into video format .Wish to be a part of storyweaver platform through this service. Children will be more happy to watch the stories, audio visual medium Let me know how I can help.