News You Can Use! 'Other Versions' of a story!

Posted by Remya Padmadas on March 04, 2016

Did you know that you can now see how many versions of a story there are on StoryWeaver upfront? 

When you click on the 'read' icon of a story you'll be directed to a page that has all the information you need to know about that story. We've added Other Versions to this page. Here, at a galnce,  you can see how many languages the story has been translated in to and how many translations there are of a story in a particular language! 

However, just because a version of a story already exists in a particular language, don't let that deter you frome trying your hand at translating it yourself. StoryWeaver believes in and encourages as many diverse re-tellings of a story as possible! 

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