Art thou ready for our first ever Illustrator Workshop!

Posted by Sherein Bansal on November 20, 2018

Written by Sheena Deviah, Art Director, Pratham Books


This year, over two balmy days in May, we teamed up with the talented Vinayak Varma to conduct an immersive workshop with a bunch of extremely talented illustrators. The participants were Priya Kuriyan, Rajiv Eipe, Somesh Kumar, Sunando C and Kabini Amin and the workshop was led by Vinayak. Fun and snacks were had by all.

This workshop has led to the zany Bow Meow Wow by Priya, the lovable Khusar Pusar by Somesh and a couple more that will be up on StoryWeaver very soon.

Here’s what happened in picto-typographical form!

Lettering: Sheena Deviah

Photos: Aparna Kapur, Vridhhi Chaudhry


A huge thank you to the folks at Lightroom Bookstore and The Ladies Finger for hosting us.



Abhi Singh over 6 years ago

wow that great enjoy sir u and you <a href=" ">perfect stories</a> both are awshm

Abhi Singh over 6 years ago

wow that great enjoy sir u and you <a href=" ">perfect stories</a> both are awshm

Abhi Singh over 6 years ago

wow that great enjoy sir u and you <a href="">perfect stories</a> both are awshm