Art thou ready for our first ever Illustrator Workshop!

Posted by Sherein Bansal on November 20, 2018

Written by Sheena Deviah, Art Director, Pratham Books


This year, over two balmy days in May, we teamed up with the talented Vinayak Varma to conduct an immersive workshop with a bunch of extremely talented illustrators. The participants were Priya Kuriyan, Rajiv Eipe, Somesh Kumar, Sunando C and Kabini Amin and the workshop was led by Vinayak. Fun and snacks were had by all.

This workshop has led to the zany Bow Meow Wow by Priya, the lovable Khusar Pusar by Somesh and a couple more that will be up on StoryWeaver very soon.

Here’s what happened in picto-typographical form!

Lettering: Sheena Deviah

Photos: Aparna Kapur, Vridhhi Chaudhry


A huge thank you to the folks at Lightroom Bookstore and The Ladies Finger for hosting us.


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WOOHOO! Ten thousand stories on StoryWeaver!

Posted by Pallavi Krishnan on December 06, 2018

StoryWeaver has achieved a new milestone by adding 10,000 stories to the platform! When we launched StoryWeaver in September 2015 with 800 stories in 24 languages, we really couldn't predict the tremendous reception the platform has had, not just in India but around the world.

We couldn’t have done it without you, our amazing community! So, a big big THANK YOU to all of you. It's your stories, your translations and your unwavering belief that all children should have access to joyful stories that have helped us achieve this milestone. Without your support and goodwill we wouldn't be where we are or having so much fun doing what we do!

Today, with 10,000 stories in 122 languages, StoryWeaver is truly a global repository of multilingual stories. We hope you continue to support us on our journey and bring more stories in more languages to children around the globe.

To celebrate this milestone we are running a little contest on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Do check it out!

Here’s to the next 10,000! Onward and upward!

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A StoryWeaver workshop in your city!

Posted by Vineetha Menon on May 29, 2019

With our mission of ‘a book in every child’s hand’, it is our constant endeavour to take more books and stories to more children. With StoryWeaver, our open-source, multilingual digital repository of children’s stories, access to good quality reading material has become much easier. Children and educators can read 14000+ stories in over 180 languages! 

One of the ways in which we engage directly with organisations and educators is by conducting StoryWeaver workshops with them. The day-long session focuses on why reading is important and explores the platform in detail. Participants also get dedicated time to try the platform on their own and engage with the Pratham Books team and network with other participants. The workshops participation is free of cost, but on a first come first serve basis. 

We are planning two workshops in June & July. One is Mangalore and the other one in Raipur. If you are an organisation that works with under-served children wanting to bring more stories to them and engage with StoryWeaver, please fill the form here and we’ll contact you with further details.

Interested organisations based in and around Mangalore, please sign up here. Interested organisations based in and around Raipur , please sign up here

If you want to know more about our efforts to engage with organisations or have anything else to say, please write to us at  [email protected]

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